
Learn how not to get punched in the face

Do you want to gain confidence in order to handle a confrontation? WCI Dunstable has a proven Martial Arts system that works. Learn the 8 secrets to handle any street fights:
How to control your ego
Distance management
Situation awareness
Preemptive striking
The flinch
The fence
"Self defence is not just a set of techniques; it’s a state of mind, and it begins with the belief that you are worth defending."
All fights can be avoided, if you walk away, however, if attacked we must defend ourselves. We’ll be looking under the microscope at pre-fight situations (3 seconds before it happens), adrenaline factor, body language, muscle memory, the difference between being a victim and playing a victim, pre-emptive striking and much more. Learn how not to get punched in the face and to avoid fights, in a safe, fun environment and at the same time get in shape and make new friends.
"Self defence is not only our right; it is our duty."

Coming Soon
11.00am - 4.00pm
Doors open at 10.00am
WCI Swindon
Buckhurst Community Centre
£35.00 WCI members / £70 Non members
Seminar is open to all aged 12+
Family Deal
Women Only One Day Course